Additive Technologies for 3D Printing with Metals
LATYPOVA M.A.$^{1}$ and TURDALIEV A.T.$^{2}$
$^1$Karaganda Industrial University, Republic Ave. 30, 101400 Temirtau, Kazakhstan
$^2$M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Received 01.02.2024, final version 26.04.2024
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Additive 3D printing technologies dynamically developing at a rapid pace are used in progressive industries. There are several types of additive technologies based on different physical principles: selective laser melting (SLM), electron beam melting (EBM), fused deposition modelling (FDM), lamination object manufacturing (LOM), etc. They are all united by one technological principle — the production of items through layer-by-layer construction. Similar to traditional shaping methods, each type of additive technology has advantages and disadvantages. The principal materials traditionally used for functional products of various purposes are metals and alloys. Two main technologies for fabrication of metal products are currently well developed worldwide: SLM and EBM. Despite the high accuracy and decent quality of the products obtained by means of these technologies, they have several disadvantages, including the high cost of both the technological equipment and the raw materials used.
Keywords: selective laser melting, additive technologies, microstructure, microstructure control, heat treatment.
Citation: M.A. Latypova and A.T. Turdaliev, Additive Technologies for 3D Printing with Metals, Progress in Physics of Metals, 25, No. 2: 386–415 (2024)