A Quarterly Review Research Journal
© G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine

ISSN: 1608-1021 (print); E-ISSN: 2617-0795 (online); CODEN: UFMSBW
Journal DOI:

The review journal Uspehi Fiziki Metallov (abbreviated key-title — Usp. Fiz. Met.) was founded in 2000 (the state registration certificate of the printed mass medium KB # 4160 as from 20.04.2000). In 2018, after the re-registration procedure, according to the assigned new registration certificate КВ # 23233-13073ПР as of 22.03.2018, in addition to the transliterated title Uspehi Fiziki Metallov, the journal received an official parallel title Progress in Physics of Metals (abbreviated title — Prog. Phys. Met.). In 2024, by decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine # 907 as from 21.03.2024, the journal was assigned the media identifier R30-03170 (see addendum to the decision of the National Council 21.03.2024 # 907) in the register of entities in the field of print media.
The journal publishes review research articles (which comply with the principles of publication ethics and rules for authors) comprising reviews (i.e. overview papers summarising and analysing the current state of understanding on a topic) of experimental or/and theoretical results in physics and technology of metals, alloys, compounds, and materials possessing metallic or semimetallic properties. Reviews on monographs, data on the history of metal physics, information about advanced technologies, materials and devices, conferences and seminars may be considered as well.

Scope of the Journal

  • Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties;
  • Interactions of Radiation and Particles with Solids and Liquids;
  • Structure and Properties of Amorphous Solids and Liquids;
  • Defects and Dynamics of Crystal Structure;
  • Mechanical, Thermal and Kinetic Properties;
  • Phase Equilibria and Transformations;
  • Interphase Boundaries, Metal Surfaces and Films;
  • Treatment of Metallic Materials and Its Effects on Microstructure and Properties;
  • Structure and Properties of Nanoscale or Mesoscopic Materials (Including Quasi-Two-Dimensional) with (Semi)Metallic Properties.

Founders and Publisher

The periodical was co-founded by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (N.A.S. of Ukraine) and G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine (IMP NASU). The journal is published by the IMP NASU (publishing certificate ДК # 5875 as from 13.12.2017, decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine # 907 as of 21.03.2024 on the entity in the field of print media) and printed in the Publishing House “Akademperiodyka” of the N.A.S. of Ukraine (publishing certificate ДК # 544 as of 27.07.2001).

Scientometrics and Subject Areas

The journal is included for indexing and abstracting in the following international scientometric databases:

According to the list of scientific professional periodicals in Ukraine, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the journal “Progress in Physics of Metals” is assigned the “A” category that is validated for publishing results of theses (dissertations) for Doctor of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Physics and Mathematics as well as Technical Sciences. See also other Institution (IMP NASU) periodicals.

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