Casting Quality Enhancement Using New Binders on Sand Casting and High-Pressure Rheo-Die Casting

P. Puspitasari, J. W. Dika

Mechanical Engineering Department, State University of Malang, 5 Semarang Str., 65145 Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Received: 25.04.2019; final version — 20.06.2019. Download: PDF logoPDF

Casting quality is a perfection factor for measuring the success of the metal casting. One of efforts to obtain high-quality casting product is identifying the quality of sand moulding used. Identification of the sand-moulding quality is defined by the hardness, shear strength, tensile, and permeability. This article reviews the explanations of the strength of sand moulding with composition variation of binder type: (1) sand moulding, bentonite, fly ash, and water; (2) sand of mount Kelud eruption, bentonite, and water; (3) sand of mount Kelud eruption, Sidoarjo mud, and water; (4) sand of mount Kelud eruption, Portland cement, and water; (5) sand moulding, volcanic ash, and water; (6) green sand, bentonite, fly ash, and water; (7) sand of Malang, bentonite, tapioca flour, and sago flour; (8) sand moulding, bentonite, Portland cement, and water. High-pressure rheo-die casting commonly known in the literature as rheo-high-pressure die casting (rheo-HPDC) is a novel casting technique in producing good-quality cast products. Escalating market demand drives the development of new technology, with which casts with excellent mechanical properties, good microstructure, and minor casting defects can be produced. As an advanced version of HPDC, rheo-HPDC can be regarded as a smart manufacture technique, since it integrates the semi-solid metal technology that considers the proper preparation of slurry. The slurry-making process has been continuously developed, and the latest preparation method is the self-inoculation method. This review article discusses the procedure, mechanism, development, and product quality of sand casting with new binders as well as rheo-HPDC technique.

Keywords: casting quality, moulding sand, binders, rheo-HPDC, smart mechanism, aluminium.


Citation: P. Puspitasari and J. W. Dika, Casting Quality Enhancement Using New Binders on Sand Casting and High-Pressure Rheo-Die Casting, Usp. Fiz. Met., 20, No. 3: 396–425 (2019); doi: 10.15407/ufm.20.03.396

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