The Physical Nature and New Capabilities of Use of Effects of Asymmetry of Azimuthal Dependence of Total Integrated Intensity of Dynamical Diffraction for Diagnostics of Crystals with the Disturbed Surface Layer and Defects

V. B. Molodkin, H. I. Nizkova, Ye. I. Bogdanov, S. I. Olikhovskii, S. V. Dmitriev, M. G. Tolmachev, V. V. Lizunov, Ya. V. Vasylyk, A. G. Karpov, O. G. Voytok

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 28.02.2017; final version - 27.03.2017. Download: PDF

We discuss results of detection and discovery of the physical nature of a new effect of azimuthal dependence asymmetry of the total integrated intensity of dynamical diffraction (TIIDD) of X-rays not due to the disturbed surface layer (DSL) that was described in a previous work of authors, but due to the large defects (commensurable with extinction length of X-ray). Such a new asymmetry effect is caused by decreasing of TIIDD diffusion component due to its total reflection (in the region of the Bragg peak), relative contribution of which increases with growth of the defect sizes. Such asymmetry has an opposite sing in comparison with one caused by the DSL that essentially improves the diagnostic functional possibilities at a joint using of these effects. We also discuss results of creation of the multiparameter diagnostics method (based on the two revealed asymmetry effects) for determination simultaneously of both the DSL thickness and the defects’ characteristics without restrictions on their sizes and on number of their types.

Keywords: X-ray, total integrated intensity, dynamical diffraction, disturbed surface layer, large microdefects, asymmetry of azimuthal dependence.

PACS: 07.85.Jy, 61.05.C-,, 61.05.cp, 61.72.Dd, 61.72.J-, 81.70.Ex


Citation: V. B. Molodkin, H. I. Nizkova, Ye. I. Bogdanov, S. I. Olikhovskii, S. V. Dmitriev, M. G. Tolmachev, V. V. Lizunov, Ya. V. Vasylyk, A. G. Karpov, and O. G. Voytok, The Physical Nature and New Capabilities of Use of Effects of Asymmetry of Azimuthal Dependence of Total Integrated Intensity of Dynamical Diffraction for Diagnostics of Crystals with the Disturbed Surface Layer and Defects, Usp. Fiz. Met., 18, No. 2: 177—204 (2017) (in Ukrainian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.18.02.177

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