Application of Qualimetric Methods for Evaluation Test of Shock-Loaded Materials
V. V. Kurylyak, G. I. Khimicheva
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, 2 Nemirovich-Danchenko Str., 01011 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 17.03.2017; final version - 21.03.2017. Download: PDF
Since in a contemporary metrological database, there is no clear method for evaluation of the quality of materials under high and shock loads, this article presents results of experimental studies of practical application of qualimetric methods for evaluation of the quality of materials under such conditions. The analysis of the characteristics of materials under shock loads is performed along with qualimetric methods, which are adapted for evaluation of the quality of high-loaded materials. Criteria for evaluation of quality of materials under extreme loads are determined. The algorithm and methodical recommendations for evaluation test of materials are developed along with realization of practical implementation of developed recommendations. The algorithm for performance of evaluation test for materials is presented and specifies a choice of test method for determining necessary qualimetric methods of the quality evaluation. Based on experimental data, it is established that the most appropriate for practical application is using so-called ‘cobweb’ of quality as a primary qualimetric method. In addition, one can use methods of pie charts and construction of the ranked data. The quality evaluation with a price ratio is quite effective for the market and competing materials such as metals and steel. For an impulsive load, the qualimetric evaluation method such as the construction of nomograms is effective. The problem of the quality gradation development, which is basic during the construction of nomograms, is solved.
Keywords: qualimetric methods, estimation of quality of materials, microstructural studies.
PACS: 06.20.-f, 06.60.Jn, 46.40.Cd, 62.50.Ef, 81.05.Zx, 81.70.Bt, 83.85.Ns
Citation: V. V. Kurylyak and G. I. Khimicheva, Application of Qualimetric Methods for Evaluation Test of Shock-Loaded Materials, Usp. Fiz. Met., 18, No. 2: 155—175 (2017) (in Ukrainian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.18.02.155