Nucleation and Growth in Nanosystems: Some New Concepts

A. M. Gusak, O. O. Bogatyrev, A. O. Kovalchuk, S. V. Kornienko, Gr. V. Lutsenko, Yu. A. Lyashenko, A. S. Shirinyan, T. V. Zaporoghets

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, 81 Shevchenko Blvd., 18031 Cherkasy, Ukraine

Received: 10.02.2004. Download: PDF

Review covers some new concepts in theory and modelling of the initial stages of solid-state reactions in thin films, multilayers, nanoparticles, and bulk nanocrystalline materials. The following topics are included: possibility of oscillatory ordering and nucleation in the sharp concentration gradient; criteria of suppression/growth of stable and metastable phases at the nucleation stage; possible nucleation modes in sharp concentration gradient and their competition; competitive nucleation and decomposition in small volumes; criteria of unambiguous choosing the parameters of discontinuous precipitation based on the balance and maximum production of the entropy; formation of nanostructure under uniaxial compression of single-crystalline alloy.

Keywords: concentration gradient, diffusion, nucleation, decomposition, simulation.

PACS: 05.70.Np, 64.75.+g, 66.30.Ny, 66.30.Pa, 68.55.Ac, 82.60.Nh, 82.60.Qr


Citation: A. M. Gusak, O. O. Bogatyrev, A. O. Kovalchuk, S. V. Kornienko, Gr. V. Lutsenko, Yu. A. Lyashenko, A. S. Shirinyan, and T. V. Zaporoghets, Nucleation and Growth in Nanosystems: Some New Concepts, Usp. Fiz. Met., 5, No. 4: 433—502 (2004), doi: 10.15407/ufm.05.04.433

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