Shape Memory Effect Driven by Diffusionless and Diffusional Transformations at Elevated Temperatures

G. S. Firstov$^{1}$, Yu. N. Koval$^{1}$, J. Van Humbeeck$^{2}$

$^1$G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^2$Department of Materials, KU Leuven, 44 Kasteelpark Arenberg, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

Received: 24.07.2002. Download: PDF

Several alloy systems can be selected for high-temperature shape-memory alloys, defined as alloys with stable reverse martensitic-transformation temperatures above 100°C. However, due to the lack of minimum quality standards for stability, ductility, functional behaviour, and reliability, no successful applications have been realised so far. Nevertheless, research on high-temperature shape-memory alloys (HTSMA) is an important topic not only for scientific reasons but also due to the market pull. This paper reviews some novel HTSMA systems showing shape-memory effect at elevated temperatures driven by martensitic (diffusionless) and diffusional transformations.

Keywords: shape memory effect, high-temperature martensitic and diffusional transformations.

PACS: 62.20.Fe, 64.70.Kb, 65.70.+y, 81.30.Hd, 81.30.Kf, 81.30.Mh


Citation: G. S. Firstov, Yu. N. Koval, and J. Van Humbeeck, Shape Memory Effect Driven by Diffusionless and Diffusional Transformations at Elevated Temperatures, Usp. Fiz. Met., 3, No. 3: 305—355 (2002), doi: 10.15407/ufm.03.03.305

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