Synergetics of Plastic Deformation

O. I. Olemskoi, A. V. Khomenko

Sumy State University, 2 Rymsky-Korsakov Str., UA-40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Received: 30.11.2001. Download: PDF

The process of the developed plastic deformation is studied when defects density is so high that collective effects play key role. On the basis of conception of rearrangable potential relief, the field theory of the superplastic-state type of the Lüders band is stated. At stress more than a critical threshold, the dislocation-vacancy ensemble is shown to pass to an autocatalytic regime of defects’ reproduction. For ensemble of dislocations and orientation boundaries, the process of mutual transformations is treated when plastic deformation may be periodical in nature. The conditions of appearance of the plastic-deformation waves are studied. Within the framework of the fractal concept, the picture of nucleation and evolution of hierarchical defect structures is stated for the creep of solids. A generalization to arbitrary regime of deformation is made.

Keywords: deformation, stress, defect, Lorentz system, fractal.

PACS: 05.45.Df, 05.70.Ln, 61.72.Yx, 64.60.Ak, 83.20.Hn, 83.50.-v


Citation: O. I. Olemskoi and A. V. Khomenko, Synergetics of Plastic Deformation, Usp. Fiz. Met., 2, No. 3: 189—263 (2001) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.02.03.189

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