Ordering Alloys with Micro- and Nanoscale Structures Based on Cubic Lattices: Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties


Karaganda Industrial University, 30 Republic Ave., 101400 Temirtau, Kazakhstan

Received 14.10.2024, final version 31.01.2025 Download PDF logo PDF

The development of the transport, chemical, and energy industries, aerospace engineering, and shipbuilding dictates the need to develop and create new materials capable of functioning in various conditions. These materials include atomically ordered alloys based on the noble metals with specific properties such as high corrosion resistance, low electrical resistance, and suitable magnetic and optical properties. At the same time, for their practical application, an integrated combination of the necessary operational characteristics is becoming increasingly in demand, providing sufficient electrical resistive and electrical contact properties, high strength and plasticity in addition to the corrosion resistance. Simultaneously, the simplicity of the chemical composition of the materials being created or improved, the manufacturability of the metallurgical process, and subsequent production conversions on existing equipment remain undoubtedly important.

Keywords: long-range atomic order, ordered alloys, kinetics, deformation mechanism, microstructure.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ufm.26.01.***

Citation: M.A. Latypova and Z.S. Gelmanova, Ordering Alloys with Micro- and Nanoscale Structures Based on Cubic Lattices: Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties, Progress in Physics of Metals, 25, No. 1: ***–*** (2025)

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