The Elastic Anisotropy of Inconel 625 Alloy Samples Made with 3D Printing
USOV V.V.$^1$, SHKATULYAK N.M.$^1$, PAVLENKO D.V.$^2$, IOVCHEV S.I.$^3$, and TKACH D.V.$^2$
$^1$South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, 26 Staroportofrankivs’ka Str., UA-65020 Odesa, Ukraine
$^2$Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, 64 Zhukovs’ky Str., UA-69063 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
$^3$Odesa National Maritime University, 34 Mechnikov Str., UA-65029 Odesa, Ukraine
Received 29.06.2024, final version 07.08.2024
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Depending on the 3D-printing orientation, the anisotropy of the elastic characteristics of the Inconel 625 alloy generated with selective laser sintering from powders is investigated. The impact of the original powder combination and the following heat treatment (post-printing treatment) on the anisotropy of the alloy elastic characteristics is assessed. As demonstrated, the suggested treatments can lessen the anisotropy of the alloy elastic characteristics. Based on knowledge of the elastic constants of the single crystal and x-ray texture features, the results of a theoretical estimation of the elastic and shear moduli, Poisson’s ratio, and their anisotropy in the horizontal and vertical directions of 3D printing are provided. As demonstrated, the obtained theoretical values differ by 6–10% from the corresponding experimental values. The calculated stress–strain state can be more accurately calculated with the use of the estimated elastic characteristics and their anisotropy. The strategy for 3D-printing complicated components from Inconel 625 alloy may be made more effective.
Keywords: Inconel 625 alloy, additive manufacturing, selective laser sintering, crystallographic texture, mechanical properties, elastic anisotropy.
Citation: V.V. Usov, N.M. Shkatulyak, D.V. Pavlenko, S.I. Iovchev, and D.V. Tkach, The Elastic Anisotropy of Inconel 625 Alloy Samples Made with 3D Printing, Progress in Physics of Metals, 25, No. 3: 600–613 (2024)