Characterization Methods of Heat Flows in Solids
O. Ye. Pogorelov, O. V. Filatov, E. M. Rudenko, I. V. Korotash, and M. V. Dyakin
G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received 06.01.2023; final version — 29.05.2023
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Analysing a wide range of known methods for characterization of the thermal properties of solids, the most effective methods for studying the multilayer systems are determined. Among the considered stationary, quasi-stationary, and non-stationary methods, the Parker’s express method for determining the thermophysical characteristics of flat objects and the 3ω method, as well as their modifications for point and planar studies, particularly, of films, are singled out. Parker’s modified express method for studying the layered structures makes it possible to reveal the effect of heat-transfer irreversibility within the Cu/AlN/Al system. This effect is explained by the peculiarities of heat-transfer processes at the metal–dielectric interface depending on their Debye temperatures and with taking into account the electron–phonon interaction.
Keywords: thermal conductivity, 3ω method, Parker’s express method, temperature measurement, heat-transfer irreversibility effect.
Citation: O. Ye. Pogorelov, O. V. Filatov, E. M. Rudenko, I. V. Korotash, and M. V. Dyakin, Characterization Methods of Heat Flows in Solids, Progress in Physics of Metals, 24, No. 2: 239–281 (2023)