Properties of Rare-Earth Element in Magnetic Material and Its Processing

F. Bahfie$^1$, N. O. Br Kaban$^2$, S. Suprihatin$^2$, F. Nurjaman$^1$, E. Prasetyo$^{1,3}$, and D. Susanti$^4$

$^1$Research Centre of Mining Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, South Lampung, 35361 Lampung, Indonesia
$^2$Physics Department, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, 35141 Lampung, Indonesia
$^3$Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
$^4$Department of Metallurgical and Material Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 60111 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Received 21.11.2022; final version — 27.01.2023 Download PDF logo PDF

Rare-earth metal is one of the critical elements because of its small amount with a lot of demand for this metal in a variety of the latest technologies, which are currently developed fast and intensively. The use of rare-earth metals can contribute to the development of innovations in the production of new materials in various fields, because these metals have strong, hard and heat-resistant properties. Rare-earth metals are found in complex compounds that makes it difficult to separate from ore. Obtaining of the rare-earth metals is realized by recycling the product from a secondary source of magnets containing rare-earth metals, such as NdFeB and SmCo magnets. Hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes can carry out the process of recovering of the rare-earth metals from secondary materials. There is a new research using bacteria as a rare-earth metal extractor to minimize environmental impact. Oxalic acid and other organic acids have potential in the recovery of rare-earth metals. As alternative, the rare-earth-free materials as candidates for permanent magnets are also mentioned.

Keywords: rare-earth elements, magnetic material, processing of magnetic materials.


Citation: F. Bahfie, N. O. Br Kaban, S. Suprihatin, F. Nurjaman, E. Prasetyo, and D. Susanti, Properties of Rare-Earth Element in Magnetic Material and Its Processing, Progress in Physics of Metals, 24, No. 1: 157–172 (2023)

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