The Role of Stress–Strain State of Gas Turbine Engine Metal Parts in Predicting Their Safe Life

Z. A. Duriagina$^{1,2}$, V. V. Kulyk$^1$, O. S. Filimonov$^1$, A. M. Trostianchyn$^1$, and N. B. Sokulska$^3$

$^1$Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Stepan Bandera Str., UA-79013 Lviv, Ukraine
$^2$The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 14 Al. Racławickie, PL-20950 Lublin, Poland
$^3$Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, 32 Heroes of Maidan Str., UA-79012 Lviv, Ukraine

Received 14.06.2021; final version — 15.11.2021 Download PDF logo PDF

The influence of various factors on the workability of critical metallic parts of a gas turbine engine (GTE) is analysed and systematized. As shown, compressor blades fail as a result of foreign-objects’ damage, gas corrosion, and erosion. Compressor blade roots in most cases fail due to fretting wear caused by vibrations, while the fir-tree rim of turbine discs fails due to low-cycle fatigue (LCF) damage and creep. An increase in the radial gaps between the rotor and stator of the turbine reduces the thrust force and causes changes in the gas-dynamic loading of the engine components. Additional oxidation of metal parts is observed under the action of hot gases from the combustion chamber. The principles of material selection for manufacturing turbine blades and disks, concepts of alloying heat-resistant alloys, and modern methods of surface engineering due to applying protective oxidation-resistant coatings, in particular, chemical vapour deposition (CDV), physical vapour deposition (PVD), air plasma spraying (APS), etc., are also described. To predict the lifetime of turbine disks, it is proposed to use the modified Walker model and the Miner’s rule. To specify the time before failure of metal blades of the turbine, it is proposed to use the finite element method. To monitor the working-surfaces’ deformations of the gas turbine engine, it is recommended to use optical-digital methods.

Keywords: gas turbine materials, fatigue, durability, damageability, coatings, finite element method.


Citation: Z. A. Duriagina, V. V. Kulyk, O. S. Filimonov, A. M. Trostianchyn, and N. B. Sokulska, The Role of Stress–Strain State of Gas Turbine Engine Metal Parts in Predicting Their Safe Life, Progress in Physics of Metals, 22, No. 4: 643–677 (2021)

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