Physical Regularities for Cellular Precipitation of Co-, Cu-, and Pb-Based Supersaturated Solid Solutions

M. I. Savchuk, O. V. Filatov, and O. A. Shmatko

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received 02.03.2021; final version — 15.06.2021 Download PDF logo PDF

The decomposition of supersaturated solid solutions through the cellular mechanism is considered in terms of physical regularities of this phenomenon. The general characteristics of this process are described. The mechanisms of nucleation and subsequent cell growth as well as kinetic parameters of processes are partially described. The influences of some external factors on cellular precipitation process and its stages are characterized. Particularly, the effects of annealing temperature and a third element on the cellular precipitation process are studied.

Keywords: supersaturated solid solutions, ageing, cellular decomposition, lamellar structure, kinetic parameters, staged precipitation.


Citation: M. I. Savchuk, O. V. Filatov, and O. A. Shmatko, Physical Regularities for Cellular Precipitation of Co-, Cu-, and Pb-Based Supersaturated Solid Solutions, Prog. Phys. Met., 22, No. 2: 250–270 (2021)

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