Investigation of the Microstructure and Properties of TRIP 800 Steel Subjected to Low-Cycle Fatigues
Z. M. Rykavets$^1$, J. Bouquerel$^2$, J.-B. Vogt$^2$, Z. A. Duriagina$^{1,3}$, V. V. Kulyk$^1$, T. L. Tepla$^1$, L. I. Bohun$^1$, and T. M. Kovbasyuk$^1$
$^1$Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
$^2$The Lille 1 University of Science and Technology, Unité Matériaux et Transformations, Cité Scientifique, F-59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France
$^3$The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 14 Racławickie Ave., 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Received 15.07.2019; final version — 04.11.2019
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Low-alloyed TRIP steels are well known since the beginning of the 21st century and used for automotive applications to ensure the passive safety. However, although their behaviour is fully investigated at a monotonous behaviour, the case of cyclic loading is not well studied. The present work describes in detail the heterogeneous-microstructure evolution of a high-strength steel (TRIP 800 steel) at the low-cycle fatigue conditions. Based on the extended investigations (via the optical and electron microscopy, the electron backscattering diffraction), we propose suggestions on the influence of phase composition on the mechanical properties and the crack-initiation processes. The preferential places of the crack nucleation caused by fatigue are detected, and the completeness of phase transformation via the induced plasticity is evaluated.
Keywords: low-cycle fatigue, microstructure, fractography, electron backscatter diffraction.
Citation: Z. M. Rykavets, J. Bouquerel, J.-B. Vogt, Z. A. Duriagina, V. V. Kulyk, T. L. Tepla, L. I. Bohun, and T. M. Kovbasyuk, Investigation of the Microstructure and Properties of TRIP 800 Steel Subjected to Low-Cycle Fatigue, Prog. Phys. Met., 20, No. 4: 620–633 (2019); doi: 10.15407/ufm.20.04.620