Theory and Applications of Mechanoplasma Effect in the Processes of Machining Intensification

O. I. Soshko, V. O. Soshko

Kherson National Technical University, 24 Beryslav Highway, 73008 Kherson, Ukraine

Received: 02.07.2018; final version — 03.01.2019. Download: PDF logoPDF

The results of studying the deformation and destruction of solids in the process of machining by cutting under the influence of various media are reviewed. Dependences of the specific features of the deformation and destruction processes in the metal on the set of mechanical factors, the properties of the investigated solid, and its physicochemical interaction with the environment are revealed. Experimental data and most important achievements in the related science fields enabled to propose a hypothesis on the initiation and self-acceleration of chemical transformations of the environment due to the positive feedback between the chemical and mechanical destructions. As shown, in this case, the growing crack plays the role of a trigger device that includes the processes of chemical transformations of the medium. The mechanism of these processes and phenomena is related to the contact interactions of the physical and chemical phenomena, which have a quantum nature and emerge, when the crack grows, with an electrically active new structure formed because of mechanical impact on the metal. As shown, the current views have not changed since the introduction of the well-known scientific point about the reduction of the material strength as a direct response on the reduction of free surface energy, when the material contacts with the medium. However, facilitation of the processes of deformation and destruction of the solid due to the adsorption medium is not the main cause for the decrease in the mechanical properties of solids. The facilitation of the metal destruction in media occurs because of contact interactions between the electrically active hydrogen particles with the electrically active real metal structure. As shown, the high temperature of the cutting zone, juvenile catalytically active surfaces of the gap space between the tool tip and the crack mouth and exoelectronic emission act as the ionizers of the hydrogen-containing media. The process of forming products in the media is suggested to be not as mechanical process but a mechanoplasma one. New ways of the shaping metal component parts with simultaneous diffusion saturation of the surface layer with alloying elements are justified that substantially increases the products’ operational lifetime. A method for mechanoplasma processing of metals is proposed, and a serial production of lubricating-cooling technological equipment of a new generation is organized.

Keywords: mechanoplasma effect, mechanical properties, machining, diffusion process, strength, crack, dislocation.

Citation: O. I. Soshko and V. O. Soshko, Theory and Applications of Mechanoplasma Effect in the Processes of Machining Intensification, Usp. Fiz. Met., 20, No. 1: 96–192 (2019), doi: 10.15407/ufm.20.01.096

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