Synthesis and Properties of Nanosized Single-Domain Ferrite Spinels
P. P. Gorbyk$^{1,2}$, M. V. Abramov$^{1}$, I. V. Dubrovin$^{1}$, S. M. Makhno$^{1}$, S. P. Turanska$^{1}$
$^1$O.O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine, 17 General Naumov Str., 03164 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^2$National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, 37 Peremohy Ave., UA-03056 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 17.02.2017; final version - 28.02.2017. Download: PDF
The review presents investigations devoted to development of synthesis techniques and studying properties of nanosized single-domain ferrite spinels. Above-mentioned materials are used for: chemical fabrication of magnetosensitive nanocomposites with multilevel hierarchical nanoarchi-tecture and functions of recognition of microbiological objects in biologic media; targeted delivery of drugs into specific cells and organs and deposition; complex chemo-, immuno-, radiology neutron capture, hyperthermic, photodynamic cancer therapy and diagnostics in a real-time regime; adsorption of heavy-metal ions, toxins, cell decomposition debris and elimination of them from the body via the external magnetic field; development of a new generation of magnetosensitive adsorbents for medical, ecology, technical destination, composite nanostructured special materials, media and covers with beforehand set dielectric and magnetic losses to interact effectively with electromagnetic eradiation of super-high-frequency band.
Keywords: ferrite spinels, nanotechnologies, synthesis, single-domain state, magnetization, electromagnetic properties.
PACS:, 75.50.Gg, 75.60.-d, 81.07.Nb, 87.19.xj, 87.85.Rs, 91.25.fa
Citation: P. P. Gorbyk, M. V. Abramov, I. V. Dubrovin, S. M. Makhno, and S. P. Turanska, Synthesis and Properties of Nanosized Single-Domain Ferrite Spinels, Usp. Fiz. Met., 18, No. 1: 59—105 (2017) (in Ukrainian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.18.01.059