Structure and Physical-Mechanical Properties of a Nb–Ti Alloy after Different Kinds of Mechanical-Thermal Impacts
L. O. Chirkina, M. B. Lazareva, V. I. Sokolenko, V. S. Okovyt, and V. V. Kalynovsky
National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, NAS of Ukraine, 1 Akademicheskaya Str., 61108 Kharkov, Ukraine
Received: 01.11.2016. Download: PDF
The work presents experimental results on influence of five regimes of mechanical-thermal treatments (MTT), including different types of deformation (extrusion, drawing, draft, extrusion, deformation under quasi-comprehensive compression and their combination) on physical and mechanical as well as structural characteristics of NT-50 alloy. The dependences of the shear modulus at 20–400°C, strength characteristics at 20°C, temperature dependences of internal friction and relative resistivity within the 20–450°C after all MTT regimes are measured. It is shown that shear modulus and strength characteristics of HT-50 alloy have qualitatively different dependences on deformation degree, and hence on concentration of strain defects and quantity of $\alpha$-Ti phase precipitated of $\beta$-solid solution. According to the results of measurements of temperature dependences of internal friction and relative resistivity, the levels of internal stresses in HT-50 alloy after different MTT regimes are determined. It is revealed that during the process of deformations along different directions (DDD) at 20 and 400°C, relaxation processes resulting to reduction in the internal stress levels in the alloy are occurring. The mechanisms of influence of different MTT regimes on physical and mechanical properties of NT-50 alloy are discussed.
Keywords: plastic deformation, physical and mechanical properties, shear modulus, internal friction, resistivity, structure, relaxation processes.
PACS: 06.60.Vz, 62.20.F-, 62.20.Qp, 62.40+i, 62.50.-p, 81.40.Ef, 81.40.Lm
Citation: L. O. Chirkina, M. B. Lazareva, V. I. Sokolenko, V. S. Okovyt, and and V. V. Kalynovsky, Structure and Physical-Mechanical Properties of a Nb–Ti Alloy after Different Kinds of Mechanical-Thermal Impacts, Usp. Fiz. Met., 17, No. 4: 343—373 (2016) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.17.04.343