The Analysis of Competitive Methods of Improvement of Operational Properties of Functional Layers of Flat Heating Elements

Z. A. Duriagina$^{1,2}$, T. M. Kovbasyuk$^{1}$, S. A. Bespalov$^{3}$

$^1$Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
$^2$The John Paul Ⅱ Catholic University of Lublin, 14 Racławickie Ave., 20-950 Lublin, Poland
$^3$Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, 54 Volodymyrs’ka Str., 01030 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 29.09.2015. Download: PDF

Applying of electric current as a source of thermal energy in the conditions of increasing scarcity of natural energy resources is becoming more important. The development of environmentally friendly electric heaters with low inertia for heating of premises, trains and municipal electric transport vehicles (cabins and carriages for trains, trams, trolleybuses) is one of energy conservation problem. Production technology of flat heaters is currently expensive and low productive. This technology is based on a multiple screen printing method followed by the complicated heat treatment. To product dielectric and resistive pastes, precious metals are used. The article focuses on development of alternative production technologies of flat heating elements via the surface-engineering methods using ion–plasma (magnetron) sputtering of cathode with composition close to the composition of functional dielectric or resistive layer on stainless-steel substrates and the development of new dielectric and resistor pastes based on glass-ceramic sealants with a minimal content of precious metals or without them.

Keywords: flat heating element, surface engineering, dielectric coatings, resistive coatings, ion–plasma sputtering, glass-ceramic material.

PACS: 68.37.Hk, 73.40.Rw, 73.61.Ng, 77.84.-s, 81.15.Cd, 81.15.Gh, 84.60.Rb


Citation: Z. A. Duriagina, T. M. Kovbasyuk, and S. A. Bespalov, The Analysis of Competitive Methods of Improvement of Operational Properties of Functional Layers of Flat Heating Elements, Usp. Fiz. Met., 17, No. 1: 29—51 (2016) (in Ukrainian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.17.01.029

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Cited By (2)
  1. Z. Duriagina, Funct.Mater. 24, 005 (2017).
  2. Z. А. Duriagina, Т. М. Kovbasyuk, M. Zagula-Yavorska and S. A. Bespalov, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. 38, 1367 (2016).