Magnetic Constitution and Elastic Properties of the Hydrogenated Permalloy Under Pressures of the Earth’s Core. Interpretation of Experiment

O. E. Krasovskii

Institute of Magnetism under NAS and MES of Ukraine, 36b Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 07.06.2010. Download: PDF

Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the crystallographically ordered hydrogenized permalloy at extreme pressures of the Earth’s core are studied by ab initio spin-polarized calculations. Both in high and low hydrogen-concentration limits, these ordered solid solutions keep pronounced ferromagnetic alignment up to sesquifold volume compression, at least, at zero temperature, although, with increasing $H$ concentration, the magnetization decreases in a whole pressure range. The elastic characteristics of these intermetallics are studied with the goal to compare the values of calculated velocities of sound waves with the values of observed velocities of seismic waves propagating through the inner core. An attempt is made to estimate the melting temperatures of such compounds at the extreme pressures.

Keywords: permalloy, hydrogen saturation, high pressures, internal Earth core, seismic wave velocity.

PACS: 71.15.Mb, 71.15.Rf, 71.20.Be, 75.10.Lp, 75.30.Cr, 91.35.Lj, 91.67.Gb


Citation: O. E. Krasovskii, Magnetic Constitution and Elastic Properties of the Hydrogenated Permalloy Under Pressures of the Earth’s Core. Interpretation of Experiment, Usp. Fiz. Met., 11, No. 3: 295—312 (2010) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.11.03.295

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