Laser-Assisted Modification of a Surface of Titanium Implants

M. O. Vasyliev, M. M. Nyshchenko, P. O. Gurin

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 27.01.2010. Download: PDF

Basic materials for the dental and orthopaedic implants production are commercially pure titanium and titanium alloys. Currently, the different methods of the metallic-surface treatments are developed for the purpose of their biocompatible-properties improvement and acceleration of the healing process of titanium implants. These methods are based on the morphological or biochemical modification of physical, chemical and mechanical properties, in particular, changes of surface energy, surface charge, chemical composition, and surface topography. Lately, there is a new prospective area related to the use of laser technology for treatment of the metallic materials for the purpose of improvement of biocompatible, tribology and corrosive characteristics of metallic-implants surface. By such a technology, it is possible to solve a problem of the surface-properties complex modification, in particular, for titanium implants. In a given review, the analysis of works dealing with the researches of an influence of the laser treatment of titanium-implants surface with regard to different aspects of the biocompatibility problem (for in vitro and in vivo experiments) is carried out. The goal of this review is an acquaintance of readers with some works of the last years undertaken by foreign authors in area of the laser-assisted modification of a structure, physicochemical and physical-mechanical properties of a surface of titanium implants as well as researches of both their influence on the behaviour of cell cultures and their interplays with bone tissues. An offered review does not claim to be exhaustive analysis of all known publications in this area. The primary aim of this review lies in demonstration of the most successful areas of the laser-radiation application for increase of the biocompatible-properties complex of titanium implants.

Keywords: titanium, implants, biocompatibility, surface, laser processing.

PACS: 62.20.Qp, 79.20.Eb, 81.15.Fg, 81.16.Mk, 81.40.Wx, 81.65.-b, 87.85.J-


Citation: M. O. Vasyliev, M. M. Nyshchenko, and P. O. Gurin, Laser-Assisted Modification of a Surface of Titanium Implants, Usp. Fiz. Met., 11, No. 2: 209—247 (2010) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.11.02.209

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