Regularities of Formation of a Phase-Structural State of the Condensates Obtained by Ion Sputtering
A. P. Shpak$^{1}$, O. V. Sobol’$^{2}$, Yu. A. Kunitsky$^{3}$
$^1$G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^2$National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’, 21 Frunze Str., UA-61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
$^3$Technical Centre, NAS of Ukraine, 13 Pokrovs’ka Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received: 19.06.2008; final version - 29.08.2008. Download: PDF
Regularities of phase and structure state formation of condensates formed by ion sputtering are analyzed. As shown, the all variety of structural forms and phase states revealed in deposited materials can be described by the single condensation mechanism with different degree of the process non-equilibrium. The degree of non-equilibrium decreases with deposition-temperature increasing. The mechanism of condensate formation from ion–plasma flows is proposed and includes two main processes: subsurface implantation accompanied by intermixing for high-energy deposited particles and lowenergy-particles’ condensation, at which the following consequence of structure states takes place depending on the deposition temperature: amorphous-cluster–crystalline metastable $\beta$-phase–crystalline stable $\beta$-phase.
Keywords: structural state, ion-plasma condensates, nonequilibrium process, near-surface implantation, amorphous and cluster state, metastable phases.
PACS: 61.10.Eq, 61.10.Nz, 61.43.Dq, 61.46.+w, 68.55.Jk, 68.55.Nq, 81.15.Cd
Citation: A. P. Shpak, O. V. Sobol’, and Yu. A. Kunitsky, Regularities of Formation of a Phase-Structural State of the Condensates Obtained by Ion Sputtering, Usp. Fiz. Met., 9, No. 3: 357—370 (2008) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.09.03.357