Phase and Structural Transformations in the Alloys Based on Monoaluminide of Nickel
S. V. Kositsyn, I. I. Kositsyna
Institute of Metal Physics of UB RAS, 18 S. Kovalevskoy, 620990 Yekaterinburg, Russia
Received: 08.04.2008. Download: PDF
The aim of the present work is to study physical and mechanical properties of nickel monoaluminide, its behaviour during plastic deformation, solid solutions based on NiAl ($\beta$-phase), solubility of alloying elements in nickel monoaluminide, and the effect of alloying elements on the structure and properties of the $\beta$-phase. Results reported by V.S. Litvinov and K. Enami as well as our data underlie the consideration of the temperature-and-concentration range of the martensitic transformation in Ni–Al system, its reversibility, transformation crystallography, the effect of alloying elements on martensitic points, and structural features of the martensitic transformation in the $\beta$-phase at different degrees of supersaturation with nickel, chromium, and cobalt. The $\beta$-phase instability, which is concerned with the formation of low-symmetry superstructures, and conditions, which are necessary for the formation and growth of these Ni$_{5}$Al$_{3}$ and Ni$_{2}$Al superstructures in Ni–Al–Me(Co,Cr) $\beta$-alloys, are discussed. The crystallographic structural analysis of the L1$_{0}$ → Ni$_{5}$Al$_{3}$ transformation and Ni$_{2}$Al structure is performed.
Keywords: monoaluminide of nickel, Ni–Al–Ме(Co,Cr) alloys, phase transformations, structure, properties, martensite, atomic ordering.
PACS: 61.50.Ks, 61.66.Dk, 61.72.-y, 64.60.Cn, 81.05.Bx, 81.30.Hd, 81.30.Kf
Citation: S. V. Kositsyn and I. I. Kositsyna, Phase and Structural Transformations in the Alloys Based on Monoaluminide of Nickel, Usp. Fiz. Met., 9, No. 2: 195—258 (2008) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.09.02.195