Copper–Titanium Solid Solutions are a New Generation of High-Strength Age-Hardening Alloys

K. V. Chuistov

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 21.03.2004. Download: PDF

In this review the precipitation phenomenon and age-hardening response in Cu–Ti alloys founded on the Ukrainian and Russian authors investigations mainly was discussed. At that point, it was especially underlined that a mechanism of the early stage of the decomposition was not as spinodal one (American authors point of view) but more likely as a nucleation of fine-scale coherent precipitates of the metastable $\alpha^{′}$-phase (Cu$_4$Ti). The kinetics of the continuous and discontinuous (cellular) precipitation; the morphology of the metastable $\alpha^{′}$-phase and stable $\beta$-phase precipitation; an influence of the external effects (plastic and ultrasonic deformation, external pressure, radioactive irradiation) on these processes; the nature of the high age-hardening response in Cu–Ti alloys and the reversion phenomenon was considered. It was postulated that these alloys could replace the beryllium bronze successfully according to their mechanical properties.

Keywords: an aging, modulated structure, coherency, satellites, precipitation, decomposition reversion.



Citation: K. V. Chuistov, Copper–Titanium Solid Solutions are a New Generation of High-Strength Age-Hardening Alloys, Usp. Fiz. Met., 6, No. 1: 55—103 (2005), doi: 10.15407/ufm.06.01.055

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