Self-Organization of Condensed Matter in Fluctuating Environment
D. O. Kharchenko
Sumy State University, 2 Rymsky-Korsakov Str., UA-40007 Sumy, Ukraine
Received: 06.04.2004. Download: PDF
A synergetic conception of plastic deformation is presented allowing for the defects’ interplay resulting in a phase transition. A qualitative-reconstruction pattern of imperfect condensed-matter structure in the presence of fluctuations in both 0-dimensional and distributed (extended) systems is considered. As shown, the system undergoes the reversible phase transitions under the increasing intensity of fluctuations, diffusion constituent and deformation-type external parameters. Within the framework of the synergetic approach based on the Lorenz system, a pattern of explosive crystallization is shown to be scripting the same way as the avalanches formation. The relationships are set between the exponent of a size distribution of avalanches, the fractal dimension of a phase space, characteristics of noise, the number of governing equations, the dynamical exponent, and the non-additivity parameter. As shown, the regime of self-organized criticality is associated with an anomalous diffusion processes.
Keywords: noise-induced phase transitions, order parameter, self-organized criticality, fractal dimension, anomalous diffusion.
PACS: 05.40.Ca, 05.45.Df, 05.65.+b, 05.70.Fh, 45.70.Ht, 64.60.Ak
Citation: D. O. Kharchenko, Self-Organization of Condensed Matter in Fluctuating Environment, Usp. Fiz. Met., 6, No. 1: 1—54 (2005), doi: 10.15407/ufm.06.01.001