High-Temperature Superconducting Materials with High Current-Carrying Characteristics and Methods of Their Fabrication

S. A. Pozigun$^{1}$, V. M. Pan$^{1}$, V. A. Alekseev$^{2}$, V. M. Strunnikov$^{2}$, A. R. Kaul’$^{3}$, O. Yu. Gorbenko$^{3}$

$^1$G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., UA-03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
$^2$Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research, 12 Pushkovykh Str., Troitsk, Russia
$^3$Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1 Leninskie Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Received: 04.11.2003. Download: PDF

The development of technology of HTSC-materials with their outstanding possibility to conduct high-dense superconducting currents without dissipation has led to the appearance of commercial superconducting cables with work temperature of liquid nitrogen and the large-long HTSC film materials. When anyone tries to increase the current capability of copper oxides, he will be met by two opposite problems: on the one hand, it is needed to create the material, which has the high perfect crystallinity close to the single crystal; on the other hand, to ensure high-dense superconducting currents in a specimen, special structure defects must be presented enough for effective pinning force of the Abrikosov vortex lines. In our work, we analyze the technology of preparing of traditional polycrystalline HTSC-materials, which includes their thermomechanical treatment by using the high-density pulsed plasma. These results are compared with the untraditional technology of HTSC’s preparing on the base of metal-organic chemical vapour deposition of thin films. The conclusion about the high perspectiveness of the untraditional technology of HTSC’s preparing based on synthesis of the copper-oxide superconducting thin films is made.

Keywords: HTSC-materials, pulsed plasma, MOCVD technology.

PACS: 74.60.Ge, 74.60.Jg, 74.72.Bk, 74.76.Bz, 81.15.Gh, 81.15.Kk

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ufm.05.02.167

Citation: S. A. Pozigun, V. M. Pan, V. A. Alekseev, V. M. Strunnikov, A. R. Kaul’, and O. Yu. Gorbenko, High-Temperature Superconducting Materials with High Current-Carrying Characteristics and Methods of Their Fabrication, Usp. Fiz. Met., 5, No. 2: 167—218 (2004) (in Russian), doi: 10.15407/ufm.05.02.167

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